Jakob Wikström


– CEO of Wikström Media and specialist in LinkedIn strategies and international marketing.

When doing business, I see the big picture and look beyond the present situation, knowing that the market is everchanging and nothing is constant, neither setbacks nor success.

Strategical thinking based on behavioural science is my expertise and going against the current is my comfort zone.


Our company, Wikström Media, has undergone a stable and controlled growth (from 2 employees in 2014 to nearly 40 in 2022) due to an economically and ideologically solid foundation. We are self-made without any external investors and have started from scratch, challenging ourselves and fighting for customers.

We know how valuable our customers’ financial progress and investments are because we’ve been there. We want our customers to experience growth as well.

We put emphasis on visual impressions combined with strategically aimed digital marketing.


In my opinion, three things set Wikström Media apart from the competition – quality, values, and persistence.

Firstly, we put emphasis on visual impressions combined with strategically aimed digital marketing. Our team of professionals can offer everything needed for strong and engaging brand building along with digital marketing expertise to guarantee our customers’ success and marketing of the highest quality.

Secondly, which I feel is essential when doing business, are the company’s fundamental values, which are the same for both employees and clients. Honesty is the backbone of our company, along with companionship and consideration. We have our clients’ best interests at heart and will care for you and your brand in detail and defend its value.

Thirdly, we will not stop. We don’t set an end destination; we aim to reach beyond our clients’ goals. Together, my team and I, are constantly pushing forward and upward. There is always the next level of quality to chase, better customer experience to be attained, and more success to be achieved.

Our journey upward continues, and we want the journey of our customers to do the same.